It is a non profit, non political & non government registered consumer organization. our this organization has been working since last 5 years for the protection of rights & interest of exploited consumers & to spread awareness & educate the consumers at large about their rights, interest & duties within the admit of constitution of India. Its activities are to resolve complaints of consumer by representation. Negotiations & if necessary by taking legal measures to afford justice to the consumers by providing them legal services.
Always in the service of consumers

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Partners of Mahalaxmi Builders to pay Rs.200000/- with 9% intrest

Aartiben Bhatt given us complain that oppenants r not ready to pay Rs.200000/- refund which she paid for booking of Duplex..so that our organisation given them first one notice both of the partners named by Shri Jawharbhai patel..&..shri Manibhai Vasanwala.But they refuse to pay that amount...so at last our orgn. filed complaints aganist both of them...after the hearning..&see the evidance of complainer..the cosumer forum Baroda prsident shri P.O.Lad member. Smt.Varha Desai given the order to pay opponantsRs.200000/- with 9% intrest from the 05/07/2004 till realisation..directed to pay Rs.3000/- for mental agony & legal expances..this order passed on dated 30/01/2008 in COSUMER DISUTE REDRESSAL FORUM.VADODARA

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