It is a non profit, non political & non government registered consumer organization. our this organization has been working since last 5 years for the protection of rights & interest of exploited consumers & to spread awareness & educate the consumers at large about their rights, interest & duties within the admit of constitution of India. Its activities are to resolve complaints of consumer by representation. Negotiations & if necessary by taking legal measures to afford justice to the consumers by providing them legal services.
Always in the service of consumers

Sunday, April 5, 2009

panjal sales sold old seti at the place of new seti.

In this case the comlainer shri Rajubhai soni purchsed one seti from oppenant panjal sales,»Kothi, Baroda. dated on 7-7-2007..& paid Rs.3200/- cash...after getting delivery of seti at home ..the complainer came to know that oppenant had sent old (Second Hand) seti so he complain for that but the opponent did't care of his complain so complainer given his complain to our organisation and after that organisation filed complain above the consumer forum. on the other hand the opponent after got the notice from the forum could't appear at last the consumer forum diceded to give Ex-Party Order.
On Dt.10/12/08 the comsumer forum president shree S.A.Makhija and member Smt.Varsha Desai given the order that the opponent is directed to refund the amount of Rs.3200/- with 9% interest from Dt.07/07/07. Further directed to pay Rs.3000/- for mental agony & Rs.1500/- for legal expense within one month from the date of receipt of copy here of & complainer shall return the old seti to the opponent after thr payment of the award amount.

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