It is a non profit, non political & non government registered consumer organization. our this organization has been working since last 5 years for the protection of rights & interest of exploited consumers & to spread awareness & educate the consumers at large about their rights, interest & duties within the admit of constitution of India. Its activities are to resolve complaints of consumer by representation. Negotiations & if necessary by taking legal measures to afford justice to the consumers by providing them legal services.
Always in the service of consumers

Sunday, November 29, 2009

consumer forum proved barycle card bank deficency of service

Mr. Deepak.V. Mistry, reasident of manjalpur vadodara, filed an complain in our organisation against Barycle cards bank pvt.ltd. Mumbai. He Had taken decision to close his card paying his due amount of Rs30,918 threw cheque of SBI bank in favour of above card company. But they failed to prosses the cheque in their account. after a month which was observed by Mr. Deepak and he paid the due amount threw online transfer to card company. hence keeping the cheque on stop payment. The card company then processed the cheque after the full payment of due ,which led to unnecessary charges the card company tried to get extra money Rs.5044/- as a penlty..& intrest after paid full amount, and without any due amount. Mr. Deepak filed a complained for negligence of card company in consumer forum. the forum order to quessed the amount of Rs 5044 and directed opponent to pay Rs 4500 for legal expances and mental agony. this order given by President Shri S.A.Makhija & member Smt Varsha Desai

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